Berita Lintas

About ISPO

Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil System (ISPO) is a policy taken by the Indonesian Government in this regard the Ministry of Agriculture with the aim to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil in world markets and participating in order to meet the President of the Republic of Indonesia's commitment to reduce greenhouse gases and provide attention to environmental problems. 

ISPO Implementation will be done by holding fast to the principles of coaching and advocacy and guidance to oil palm plantations, which is the task of government. Therefore the first phase of certification is ISPO classification. This classification is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture 07 Year 2009 on Guidelines for Assessment of Plantation Enterprises and the certification is the demands of international trade conducted according to international regulations which, among others, meet kaedah International Standards Organization (ISO). Ministry of Agriculture will carry out assessments for certification ISPO in a transparent and independent. 

In the face of preparation for the implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil System (ISPO) has been and will be a series of activities, namely: 

  • Field trials of 15-20 companies that will be conducted by auditors from an independent certification body and accompanied by members of the Drafting Team, ISPO, associations and government representatives. The purpose of this trial is to produce input for improvement ISPO standards for how its application, including certification and classification, as well as difficulties encountered in field practice.
  • The opening of public consultation through the website in 2 languages so hopefully will get input from all the palm oil industry stakeholders, community consultation will be opened at the beginning of February until the end of February 2011. 
  • Meeting with the stakeholders who are physically will be held during the month of February 2011, starting with a meeting of the Plantation Department as the implementing process of classification and guidance to farmers and monitoring. 
  • Plenary Meeting to discuss the results of team meetings and public consultations and immediate issuance of the certification provisions of ISPO. 
  • ISPO will be officially announced its implementation by the end of March to come, this implementation will be given a period of 3 years. 
  • ISPO certification for farmers is being prepared and will soon be discussed by Tim ISPO.

For Detail: